Calling all aspiring artists... ready to supercharge your art?

Unlock Your Artistic Potential in just 14 days!


Ready to fill those empty sketchbooks and unleash the artist within?

Hey there, fellow artist! 👋 I know why you're here. You’ve got a shelf full of pristine sketchbooks, a heart full of passion, and a head full of... well, intimidation. The blank pages seem to taunt you, and the fear of not doing "perfect" work keeps you from even starting. Sound familiar?

Supercharge Your Art!

Do you find yourself excited to buy sketchbooks…


only to find yourself wondering what to actually paint in them?

and worrying about it looking perfect?


You're not alone. If you’re anything like me you’re probably desperate to use them, but suddenly start feeling the pressure for them to look perfect! This is the silent struggle of many passionate painters out there. There’s a burning desire to create, yet it’s smothered by fear, self-doubt, and the high expectations we place on ourselves.

The perfectionism sets in.

Perfectionism is the thief of creativity. It’s that voice telling you, "If it’s not perfect, it’s not worth doing."

But here’s a little secret: perfection is a myth, especially in art. Your sketchbook? It’s not a museum. It’s a playground. A place for exploration, mistakes, growth, and, most importantly, joy.

Does any of these sound familiar…

I totally get it.
I felt this same way about my sketchbook.

But It's time for a change. 

I began a quest to really improve my art using my sketchbook. I discovered that painting is not one skill. It is made up of five skills.

Drawing • Value • Composition • Colour • Technique

This understanding led me to a groundbreaking approach: dedicating each page of my sketchbook to mastering one specific skill at a time.

When I hyper-focused on ONE skill rather than tackling a 'complete' painting, it changed everything. It wasn’t long before I saw HUGE progress in my artwork, and stacks of sketchbooks filling up with all my paintings.

I am excited to introduce this process to you…
This is where YOUR sketchbook meets ‘14 Days To Supercharge Your Art’!

A hyper-focused art exercise a day in under 30 minutes, to see dramatic improvement in your artwork. I will guide you through fun and challenging prompts that will have you filling up your empty sketchbooks in no time.

A huge BOOST to your art skills in only 14 days…

..AND a full sketchbook brimming with ideas and creativity.

Sounds exciting and a LOT of fun!
What Makes This Course Different?

14 Days to 

Supercharge Your Art 

isn’t an art course like the others you’ve taken.
It’s not a bunch of tutorials to copy.


 …it’s a 14 day transformation that will
  • Completely change the way you ‘see’ your painting subjects
  • Give you easy tips to colour mix
  • Show you techniques to use in your paintings
  • Boost your creativity and push your creative boundaries
  • Give you the accountability you need to keep a daily sketchbook habit 


I am excited to introduce this process to you…
This is where YOUR sketchbook meets ‘14 Days To Supercharge Your Art’!

A hyper-focused art exercise a day in under 30 minutes, to see dramatic improvement in your artwork. I will guide you through fun and challenging prompts that will have you filling up your empty sketchbooks in no time.

A huge BOOST to your art skills in only 14 days…

..AND a full sketchbook brimming with ideas and creativity.

Sounds exciting and a LOT of fun!
What Makes This Course Different?

14 Days to 

Supercharge Your Art 

isn’t an art course like the others you’ve taken.
It’s not a bunch of tutorials to copy.


 …it’s a 14 day transformation that will
  • Completely change the way you ‘see’ your painting subjects
  • Give you easy tips to colour mix
  • Show you techniques to use in your paintings
  • Boost your creativity and push your creative boundaries
  • Give you the accountability you need to keep a daily sketchbook habit 



14 Days To Supercharge Your Art


Transform your empty sketchbooks into a vibrant showcase of your art, improving your skills with focused daily exercises. Experience a supercharge to your creativity, building confidence and unlocking your full artistic potential in just two weeks.

Just $47 today!

Enrol now!

For questions or help with your purchase email [email protected]

Transform your art

just like these artists who followed this exact process

If you're thinking...

Will it work for me?


If you don’t see results….you get your money back!

My goal for you with this course is to improve your art skills and get excited about making art again!

You might even have the possible side-effect of a HUGE boost in your confidence about your art.

The best part is…if you feel there’s even a slight chance that this course will help you AND be lots of fun..then you should enrol!

Because, you can try it and see if it’s right for you over the next 30 days. No guessing, just try it and see the improvement for yourself.

I’m confident that as you follow the steps you WILL see massive change in your skills and a boost to your creativity. That’s why I am happy to offer this 30-day guarantee :)

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So will you be joining us in this exciting creative journey?

If you’re ready to grab your sketchbook and jump in….